O passeio até o Risco tem o seu início na Casa do Rabaçal, aproveitando o percurso da levada que está ladeado por um caminho que permite passeios seguros. O acesso é plano e durante o passeio até o Risco deslumbram-se extraordinários momentos de beleza natural.
Chegando ao destino deparamo-nos com uma magnífica queda de água vinda da lagoa do vento situada a mais de 100 metros de altura em relação ao poço do Risco. Aqui a beleza do ambiente é proporcionada simultaneamente pela vegetação e pelo som produzido pela queda de água que constantemente vai caindo na vertical, formando um risco na rocha e desaguando num caldeirão que reflecte o verde que resulta da imensa vegetação envolvente.
Fique durante algum tempo desfrutando da beleza do ambiente que é proporcionado quer pela vegetação, quer pelo som que a própria queda da água produz.
The walk to Risco has its beginning in the House of Rabaçal, taking advantage of the watercourse taken that has path that allows safe walks. The access is flat and during the walk to Risco dazzling moments of extraordinary natural beauty are likely to occur.
Reaching the Risco we are faced with a magnificent waterfall from the Lagoa do Vento which is situated more than 100 meters in height above the well of the Risco. Here, the beauty of the environment is provided both by the vegetation and the sound produced by the water falling that constantly falls off vertically, forming a risk (risco) in the rock and flowing into a kind of pot that reflects the results of the vast green surrounding vegetation.
Reaching the Risco we are faced with a magnificent waterfall from the Lagoa do Vento which is situated more than 100 meters in height above the well of the Risco. Here, the beauty of the environment is provided both by the vegetation and the sound produced by the water falling that constantly falls off vertically, forming a risk (risco) in the rock and flowing into a kind of pot that reflects the results of the vast green surrounding vegetation.
Just stay for a while enjoying the beauty of the environment that is provided either by vegetation or by the very sound that the waterfall produces.
Die Wanderung zum Wasserfall Risco beginnt beim Forsthaus von Rabaçal und folgt einer Levada (Anm.: Wasserlauf), welche von einem sicheren Wanderweg begleitet wird. Der Zugang ist flach und die Wanderung zum Risco bietet außergewöhnlich schöne Momente des Naturgenusses.
Bei der Ankunft am Ziel treffen wir auf einen herrlichen Wasserfall, dessen Wässer von der Lagoa do Vento 100m stammen und in den Poço do Risco herabstürzen.
Die Schönheit der unmittelbaren Umgebung ist durch die Vegetation sowie durch den Klang des Wasserfalls bestimmt, dessen Wässer ununterbrochen herabsprudeln und eine Linie (=risco) in den Felsen kerben, um schließlich in ein Becken zu fließen, welches das Grün der üppigen Umgebungsvegetation widerspiegelt.
Verweilen Sie hier für einige Zeit und genießen Sie die Schönheit Ihrer Umgebung, sei es in Form der Vegetation oder in Form des Klanges durch Wasserfall produziert.
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